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How to Deal with Racism and Discrimination in Asia: Practical Tips and Strategies

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Anti-Racism and Allyship

How to Deal with Racism and Discrimination in Asia: Practical Tips and Strategies


How to Deal with Racism and Discrimination in Asia: Practical Tips and Strategies

Racism and discrimination are pervasive issues in Asia, affecting people of all backgrounds and nationalities. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor to the region, it’s important to know how to deal with these issues in a safe and effective way. In this blog post, we’ll provide practical tips and strategies for dealing with racism and discrimination in Asia.

Understanding Racism and Discrimination in Asia

Before we dive into strategies for dealing with racism and discrimination, it’s important to understand the historical and cultural context of these issues in Asia. From the legacy of colonialism to the complex dynamics of ethnic and religious diversity, there are many factors that contribute to the prevalence of racism and discrimination in the region.

According to a report by the Brookings Institution, anti-Asian racism has been on the rise in recent years, fueled in part by the COVID-19 pandemic and political tensions between countries in the region [1]. However, racism and discrimination are not limited to anti-Asian sentiment. People of all races and ethnicities can experience prejudice and discrimination in Asia.

Strategies for Dealing with Racism and Discrimination

If you experience or witness racism and discrimination in Asia, it can be difficult to know how to respond. Here are some strategies that can help:

  1. Stay calm and composed. It’s natural to feel angry or upset when faced with racism and discrimination, but it’s important to remain calm and composed in order to effectively address the issue.
  2. Speak up. If you witness someone else experiencing racism or discrimination, speak up and offer your support. This can be as simple as saying, “That’s not okay” or “I’m sorry you’re experiencing this.”
  3. Document the incident. If you experience or witness racism and discrimination, document the incident as thoroughly as possible. This can include taking notes, recording video or audio, or taking photos.
  4. Report the incident. Depending on the severity of the incident, you may want to report it to local authorities or to organizations that specialize in addressing racism and discrimination. The UC Office of the President provides a list of resources for reporting incidents of anti-Asian racism in the United States [2].
  5. Seek support. Dealing with racism and discrimination can be emotionally challenging. It’s important to seek support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if you need it.

Taking Action Against Racism and Discrimination

In addition to dealing with incidents of racism and discrimination, there are many ways to get involved in activism and advocacy to combat these issues in Asia. Here are some examples:

  1. Support local organizations. There are many organizations in Asia that are working to combat racism and discrimination. Consider donating to or volunteering with one of these organizations.
  2. Educate yourself and others. Learn more about the history and context of racism and discrimination in Asia, and share that knowledge with others.
  3. Speak out against racism and discrimination. Use your platform and your voice to speak out against racism and discrimination in Asia and around the world.


Racism and discrimination are complex and pervasive issues in Asia, but there are many strategies and resources available for dealing with these issues. By staying informed, speaking up, and taking action, we can all work towards a more just and equitable future.




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